Please remember that we DO NOT sponsor any channels you may see our units on. These are honest reviews from customers of ours. We are not giving machines out for free asking people to keep the issues they have off their channels. Log splitters take more abuse than most equipment on this planet and you will have the occasional problem. That's just the facts of this kind of equipment. The difference is how that issue is taken care of! Are you calling a service guy that could care less about you or are you calling the owner? Can you call your manufacturer on Sunday and get your questions answered? Call every manufacturer you are considering this Saturday/Sunday and see which companies answer the phone or get back with you within a couple hours. We are willing to bet there is only one manufacturer you will be able to get a hold of.
Hard Working Man
Hard Working Man
Go check out Heath and his family on their channel called Hard Working Man. This guy is just that! You don't find a lot of people these days that know how to work hard and provide a good life for their family. Heath is a military vet and works for border security. Go hit the subscribe button on this page!

Willey's Firewood
Russ Willey has been in the firewood business for many years. His level of expertise is second to none. He will dive deep into our commercial log splitters and how they operate. He is also a dealer for our machines. If you are looking for a guy that knows his stuff in the firewood game he is the man to watch.

Piney​ Woods Homes​tead
Piney​ Woods Homes​tead
Matt and his family work hard to do as much off the grid as they possibly can. If you want to learn how to create a great off the grid place you definitely want to go check out his channel. Matt is a retired police officer and a fine American. Make sure you go check out his channel and hit the subscribe button for more tips and tricks!